Devotional - December, 6, 2023
Scripture: But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.
To see Bethlehem today, it is hard to believe that this is the birthplace of David and Jesus. It is very crowded and congested with buildings and commerce all around. I can't say that it is the cleanest city either. The name, Bethlehem, means House of Bread. Bread being the mainstay of their diet, so it represented sustenance, and even life itself. For the people of Israel, it was out of this city that their great King David came who sustained Israel over the years. According to our faith, it is where our Great King was born. A King who still reigns and gives sustenance and life to the whole world. But His start was not without difficulty. Bethlehem was busy and bustling then too. Nothing was convenient for Mary and Joseph when they arrived. They had to make do amidst the chaos, making the best of what they could find. Yet, is this anything new? Take a moment and think about the book of Genesis. The first account of creation depicts our God hovering over the chaos before entering in and bringing forth something that was, and is, orderly, efficient, and full of life (Genesis 1-2:3). Mary and Joseph entered the fray of Bethlehem with nothing but a promise as they dealt with the situation at hand. The peace they eventually acquired was something they had to make. Jesus, Himself, was constantly dealing with the pressures of the crowds that followed him, the religious institutions that opposed him, and the disciples that were trying to understand Him. All the while, living out a calling that would take Him to the cross and beyond, but He did it with zeal (John 2:17 and Psalms 69:9). And maybe therein is a word for us today. When we feel small and insignificant, like Bethlehem. When we feel left behind by a world where once we felt significant. We need to remember God has not forgotten us or stopped dealing with us. No, we need to muster anew our zeal for God and for life and live whole-heartedly! We need to be willing, if not zealous, to make do with what we have knowing God is with us. Yes, it can be difficult and even painful, but let your zeal for Life carry you through. Continue to make goals and find meaning in what you can do, knowing God will sustain and support you.
Pray with me.., Holy God, we confess, at times, we lose our zeal for the life You have given us. We feel overwhelmed, forgotten, and ineffective. Renew our spirits, O God, get us going again, reminding us, You are near. Hear us as we continue to pray for our loved ones and friends. Bless them in accordance with their needs and bless our church, so we can be the blessing You need us to be, in Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian