Devotional - September 17, 2023
Scripture: Exodus 20: 4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
When a person studies other religions they soon see how intricate and awe-inspiring some idols can be. The Canaanites made the Asherian poles (Exodus 34:13) and Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar a gold statue (Daniel 3:1-7). God warns people they will seek such things (Deuteronomy 4:28). The command is revelatory about our own human nature. The command seeks to keep us away from making things that are not gods into God. But not just anything, a graven (carved) image. In other words, something that has been fashen to our own liking to accommodate our needs. An example being, a fierce and powerful looking image in order to scare away evil spirits. It might even work against people too, look at our mighty god who protects us, be afraid. Many think this kind of behavior is long since past or relegated to other religions. No, it is alive and well in American society. We may not carry carved pieces of wood or stones in our pockets, but the images some Americans worship are just as real. They dress a certain way or wear certain insignias that clearly show who is god in their world. Be it an ideology, or person, or movement that gets first place in their life. It's wish is their command. As easy as it is to point an accusatory finger at others in this regard, please don't. We all are prone to this kind of behavior, especially during times of uncertainty and need. We get scared. Yes, I said it, we all get scared sometimes. Different things scare different people. Rather than deny it, accept it and then you can do something about it. God is well aware of our behavior. You will see, when reading your Bible, the issue never goes away. The phrase, fear not, occurs 365 times in the Bible. It doesn't mean you will not experience fear, it means beware of what you do because of it. Each time it is said a directive follows. In many cases the directive is to remember that God is with them (Isaiah 41:10). Even at the beginning of the Ten Commandments, God reassures the people with God's presence (Exodus 20:2). But sometimes, we do not feel that God is with us or even here at all. Yet, we are surrounded by God's creation that manifests in such amazing and harmonious ways around us. At this very moment, you are travelling 67,000 mph in an orbit circling the Sun. The earth itself, on which you currently stand, is spinning at about 1,000 mph on an angle of about 23.5 degrees. And there is a moon about a quarter the size of the earth travelling with us around the sun, but it is spinning around the earth at about 2,300 mph. And yet, you and I do not feel a thing, but it's happening. Yes, I can find myself in all kinds of emotional states that leave me feeling uncomfortable and anxious. The question is, what do I do with them. Do I start making an image in my mind or look to an image already made in society to rid myself of these feelings? Or, do I stay the course with God? Notice that in this command the reader is directed to the heavens, the earth, and the sea; all of which are created by God. Making something God created, even another human being or entity, into an idol will not work. When we feel tempted, let us ask God to help us to deal with the motivations that are causing it (Psalm 51:10-12). And, like in the last command, be aware of what is really going on. When people do this, it is a way of by-passing the process of building a relationship with God in lieu of another.
Pray with me, LORD God, we confess our propensity toward idols when things become difficult or we want certain things to be true. When we think You will not do what we want You to do. When we think salvation can be found somewhere else. Help us to be still, to remember who You are, and have the courage to go onward and do what needs to be done. We take this moment to lift our loved ones before You. Bless them we pray in accordance with their needs. We ask Your blessing on our church, guide us O God, so we can be the people you call us to be. In Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian