Devotional - January, 31, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 1:6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel —which is really no gospel at all.
Reading this text, one gets the idea Paul is a bit perturbed by something. As we go on, we will see that he stays perturbed for a little while. Paul was writing to the churches in the Roman region of Galatia. A group called the Judiazer (not as flashy as the Jets and the Sharks) had infiltrated the church. In a nutshell they told the Christians they needed to follow Jewish customs. Well, Paul is not happy. He tells the church members who are listening to this group that they are deserting the grace of Christ. They are abandoning God's grace and for what? Take a moment and think, when are we most prone to abandon things? Usually, it is when we are scared or frustrated. It is when we feel unsafe staying in place. In the case of the Galatians, it was holding fast to the theology of Christ. It is common for people (Christians) to get really religious when feeling insecure. When things go bad in life. We read our Bible, we do what it says, we make promises to God, we do all kinds of things. In many ways, this is not a bad idea. The problem is the motivation, we do it out of fear. We do it because we feel we have failed and we need to be saved. Well, maybe you did fail or you got yourself into a scary situation. That does not mean you have to go to the principal's office and get what you deserve for bad behavior. No, God understands you and your situation. Yes, changes may need to occur, but the changes are specific to the situation. God calls us to focus on ourselves and what is causing the problems, deep down, where the problems originate. Until we do that, all the prayers and rituals we practise mean nothing and the results are catastrophic. Jesus called the Pharisees and the religious leaders of His time white washed tombs. They look good on the outside in their robes and regalia, but are dead on the inside (Matthew 23: 27-28). How does that happen? It happens when we ignore what the Spirit is telling us inside due to our fears or concerns (Mark 4:18-19). Christ confronted Paul specifically in this way (Acts 26:14). And now, Paul confronts the churches of Galatia ...and us. Yes, turn to God, in all situations, knowing God is there for you. Turn to God even when the world is unfair or confusing and say exactly what you need to say. Then continue on, but be fair with God. Continue to seek and pray and discuss the issues you are having with God. Listen and feel for the responses you receive. Be sensitive to the ideas and understanding you discern. Test them (1Thessalonians 5:21). They may not be what you want to hear, but be aware of them anyway. Yes, it is easier to claim some ritual or tradition as a way of getting rid of the problem. It doesn't work. And I say this as one who has taken that route many times myself. Your relationship with God, through Christ, is what you need to claim and understand. And yes, it is good news (gospel). The reason why the Galatians were open to what the Judiazers were saying was because they did not think what they had through Christ was enough. It is enough, especially when you are living it every single day. And, it's not just good for you, it is good for those around you, and it is good for God.
Pray with me..., Holy God, sometimes we feel that by doing more, by being more, we can compensate for the times when we were less or were wrong. Help us to hear Your words of grace that call us to understand and grow. To know that we are loved, imperfect as we are. Lord, hear us as we pray for our loved ones. We ask Your blessing upon them. Help them according to their needs. We ask Your blessing on our church, help us to be the church You call us to be, in Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian