Devotional - Aug. 21, 2024

Scripture: Galatians 5:6-7  For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.  You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?

You were running such a good race, what cut you off?  Paul uses something on our TV every day, the Olympic Games, to make his point.  In his day, they would go to the colosseum and watch athletes race against each other with all the zeal we do today.  Watching the racers shift and move in their positions added to the suspense of the race.  Racers cutting each other off was common and could set their competitors back even to the point of losing the race.  Paul uses this scenario to address the problems at the church.  The thing that enrages Paul is that the church allowed it to happen, moreover, they willingly made room for it.  They knew the truth but were not adhering to it.  Instead, they were drawn away (making room) because they liked what was happening in the other group.  Many things cut us off from the Truth (John 14:16).  Things that we like.  The real problem comes when we relabel what we like ...good.  We relabel it good and when we know it is not, but for various reasons we want it to be good.  In the end, it separates us from God.  Oddly enough, superstitions can be one of these things.  They can make their way into our spiritual life and we convince ourselves they are from God.  We see certain numbers, hear a word, get a feeling, must be God.  Actually, it is us.  We have conditioned ourselves to react in certain ways when we see, hear, or feel something.  In the situations where we notice them, had we been paying attention, we would have noticed what they revealed anyhow.  The danger is, they can deceive us, and get us to act incorrectly because we thought they were telling us to do so.  The superstitions, not God.  They could be right nine times out of ten, but on the tenth, deceptive, and the tenth may have been important.  Not to mention, they are ways folks use to bypass studying their Bible (2 Tim 2:15) which weakens their relationship with God.  Instead, they are guided by "angels", not the Word (Holy Spirit).  We tend to be vulnerable to tactics like these because we feel we need something more.  The good news today is, you don't (Colossians 2:10).  In Christ, you are complete.  You are whole.  Imperfect as you are, the Lord is with you and will see you through.  Keep studying, keep striving, keep going, God is not done with you yet.  But in doing so, rest in His Truth (Matthew 11: 28-30).  It will keep the cravings that lead us astray, away. 

Pray with me ..., Holy God we confess we get cut off from You at times, even by our own thoughts and behaviors.  Quicken our spirits, O God, that we may follow and serve You all the more.  Be with our family members and loved ones, bless them we pray.  And bless our church so we can be more like You each day, in Jesus' name, Amen.

God's peace,

Pastor Brian


Devotional - Aug. 28, 2024


Devotional - Aug. 14, 2024