Devotional - March,27, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 2: 5 We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you.
We are about to arrive, darkness gives way to Light. This Sunday, we celebrate Easter! But make no mistake, it was a journey to get here and not an easy journey at that. It took a lot of work on the part of the disciples and Jesus to get beyond the cross, beyond the tomb, and to arrive at this new place in our history with God. And the struggles and needed perseverance continue. In this text, Paul talks about his unwillingness to turn the church over to the "infiltration" of false believers. Before I go on, let me highlight why Paul stays the course. It was so that "the gospel might be preserved for you." The Truth that God's Word had come for all, so that all can have a relationship with God. The value Paul placed on his relationship with God superseded anything he had gained prior to that point (Phil 3:8). More than that, Paul wanted to make sure everyone knew what was available to them through Christ. Take a moment and ask yourself, how important is my faith in God to me? How important is it that I know others can have it too? If you are not sure, join the crowd. I think we all could benefit from asking ourselves and God about it. Read the Scriptures about Jesus after His resurrection and the picture they portray of Jesus as He reunites with His disciples. What does He look like or sound like? How does he act? Is this what you picture when you speak to God?
Pray with me ..., Holy God how we long for You and miss that You are right here with us. Help us to see and experience You anew. We pray for our loved ones, we pray for our church. May we always stand for the new covenant You made with us through Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
God's Peace,
Pastor Brian