Devotional - May 15, 2024

Scripture: Galatians 2:17-19 “But if, in seeking to be justified in Christ, we Jews find ourselves also among the sinners, doesn’t that mean that Christ promotes sin? Absolutely not! If I rebuild what I destroyed, then I really would be a lawbreaker. “For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God.

Remember, in Paul's day, Jews were not to keep company with non Jews, or even with Jews who were deemed unclean. Paul argues that being with lawbreakers does not make him or others lawbreakers, especially in the community of Christ. In Paul's statement, if I rebuild what I destroyed, he is referring to his old mindset that is now occurring in Peter's behavior. If Paul applies his old thinking that Jews were law-abiders and Gentiles were law-breakers simply because they were Gentiles, that would make him a lawbreaker in Christ. All believers are considered one in the same in Christ (John 17: 20-23). Pauls' last statement is a confession and an admission of what he realized when he came to Christ. As a Pharisee, he felt justified because of the law. But through Christ, he realized he wasn't fulfilling the law at all. He fell short just like everyone else (Romans 3:23). He realized he was dead in his sins, as is everyone. But by realizing and admitting it, he could then realize what God was doing and truly live the life of God. He no longer rode the merry-go-round of sin, get forgiven, sin, get forgiven, and around and around we go. In that cycle, all you see is the law, sin and yourself in the cycle. Unfortunately, many Christians think like this, and worse yet, think it is Christianity. Notice Paul's words, to be justified in Christ. If you truly seek to live in Christ, the wheel stops, and you leave the cycle behind. Because of your faith in Christ, your belief in who He is and what He did, you are justified. In Christ, the law and the spiritual death that it brings are no longer applicable to you. That being said, if you are in Christ, you no longer want to be involved in sin either (Romans 6: 1-11). But, let's take our situation one step further. Let's assume you are in Christ, what happens when you are among those who are not? Or, you get invited to a social event you know is secular, or maybe even a bit jaded. Or, maybe that is the nature of your workplace. Should you avoid such places and people? If in those situations, you cannot keep yourself in line with Christ, it is better to avoid them. Your relationship with Christ is too important to jeopardize by associating with others whether it be socially or at work. But know this, Christ knows your pain in such situations (Isaiah 53:3, Psalms 34:18). Paul will talk more about this issue later in Galaians and we can discuss it further then.

Pray with me.., Holy God we confess that we are sinners. It grieves our hearts. Help us hear Your words of salvation and continue onward, following and serving You. Hear our prayers for our loved ones, we pray. Bless them according to their needs and bless our church, so we can be the people you want us to be, in Jesus' name, Amen.

God's peace,

Pastor Brian


Devotional - May 22, 2024


Devotional - May 8, 2024