Devotional - May 31, 2022
1 Thessalonians 1:6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
: Nehemiah 8:10 Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
It has been said that repetition makes perfection. So, does that apply, when what you are repeating is wrong? I ponder this while lying on the floor. It's the only surface flat enough and steady enough to keep me from moving. Why the need for stillness you ask? I wish I could say I do it to gain a deeper level of consciousness or enlightenment, but no. My back went out and I needed a surface that was stable and did not move. Like a whale beached on a polyester carpet, I laid there and asked myself why? Why do I keep doing this to myself? The carpet, I swear, just laughs. I have been here before, many times. I have the routine down to a science. Where to lay. The amount of distance needed to best to see the TV from and, ...don't forget to get the remote before laying down. Once settled, it's no fun hoisting yourself back up to retrieve it. I could go on, I have acquired several hacks to ease the anguish of such moments, but I'll stop here. One thing that is worth mentioning is the uselessness of adding anger to agony. It's too late for that, yet it is tempting. Yes, when I bent over and strained to reach the item I sought to lift, I thought, not good... But, as usual, I rolled the dice and crap! Yet, I have learned it is best to simply accept the moment, and make the best of the few hours you have before the pain really takes hold. In the end, you are the one who will have to endure it and recover. No sense getting mad at yourself. Who knows, maybe you'll learn this time. It is a practice called self compassion. Believe it or not, it works better than getting angry at yourself. How does this tap into the fruit of the Spirit we are considering today, being joy? It does so by removing that which takes away from it. Like water through a hose, the more holes in the hose, the less pressure in the end. Joy, unlike happiness, is experienced on a deeper level of our being. It is robust, full bodied in nature, unlike happiness which is momentary. And, it's effect can pervade over and against other contradictory emotions as mentioned in the Scripture texts above. To have joy, one must engage, and set in motion, other processes like compassion and forgiveness while staying focused on savoring the goodness of the experience. The process resembles a strong wind moving through the trees. The trees bend and sway as the wind moves around and through them. The Holy Spirit enfuses the grandeur of God, your God, with the blessing you receive in life. And you are uplifted and carried along, even in the worst of circumstances. It truly makes for an indomitable spirit, yet still humble. All things stay possible and probable. No need to fret, just continue on with God, staying in step with the Spirit. Do not allow the things of the flesh to restrain you. Yes, even as my cell phone sings away the melody of "night chimes" on the kitchen counter and I realize, I forget to put it by the remote. I can still have joy. Joy as I twist and grope and pull myself up to go and see who is calling...
Before we pray, I want to thank all who mentioned me in their prayers. It helped and I appreciate it.
Holy and Gracious God, breath deep into our hearts the Spirit of joy. Revive us and uplift us with the joy of Your salvation. Yes, Lord, we are thankful for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Be with our loved ones, bless them according to their needs. And bless our church, so we can bless others in Your name, the name in which we pray, the name of Jesus, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian